Who We Are

The CAMCA Network is a collection of professionals working toward the success of the 10 countries of Central Asia, Mongolia, the Caucasus and Afghanistan (CAMCA)

Our Mission 

To create a sustainable and engaged network of professionals committed to sharing ideas, knowledge, expertise, experience and inspiration across Central Asia, Mongolia, the Caucasus and Afghanistan.  The leaders in the CAMCA Network are driven to contribute to development, prosperity and cooperation in the CAMCA region.


The members of the CAMCA Network believe in the value of a connected region and are willing to contribute to reforms within their societies. This new generation of regional leaders values free-market economic systems, good governance, the rule of law and basic human freedoms; supports the sovereignty of their countries and traditional national values; and also acknowledges the importance of regional and global cooperation.

CAMCA Network members have been brought together through their participation in the Rumsfeld Fellowship Alumni Network, which currently includes more than 280 dynamic leaders across all sectors who play important roles in shaping opinions and policies in their respective home countries.  The alumni of the Fellowship Program have established the CAMCA Network as their own initiative to create a platform to work towards the success of the CAMCA region through a variety of joint projects and activities.