Gunesh Bakgalova


Ms. Gunesh Bakgalova is currently working for Petronas as in-house Legal Executive. Prior to her current position she worked for the European Commission’s project on budgeting reforms in the Ministry of Finance of Turkmenistan. Previously, Ms. Bakgalova worked for numerous national agencies, law firms, and international organizations including Schlumberger Corporation in Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, the Ministry of Justice, the National Coordinating Unit of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, ABA Rule of Law Initiative in Turkmenistan, OSCE Center in Ashgabat, AK Counsel-SNR Denton, PPG Industries Inc. and Miller & Martin PLLC. Ms. Bakgalova holds an MA in Political Science from the Institute for European Politics in Berlin, Germany (2012), an LLM from the Law School at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2009) and an LLB from the School of Law & International Economic Relations of the Turkmen State University (1999).