Zara Chatinyan


Ms. Zara Chatinyan is the Local Representative of German Development Bank (KfW) in Armenia. KfW manages more than 600 million euro investment portfolios in Armenia’s energy, drinking water and irrigation, banking and agriculture sectors. Ms. Chatinyan works closely with the governments of Armenia and Germany to identify sectors in need of reform and infrastructure projects; to facilitate intergovernmental negotiations; to participate in multi-million sovereign loan negotiations; to support the introduction of international standards in project management; and to facilitate cooperation with international financial institutions. Ms. Chatinyan has more than ten years of experience with USAID-financed projects in decentralization, policy and institutional development and strategic planning. Ms. Chatinyan holds a Certificate in Executive Management and Leadership from the Judge Institute of Management at the University of Cambridge (2003), an MPA from the University of Delaware as a Muskie Fellow (2000), and a BA in Philology from the Teachers’ Training Institute in Armenia (1998).