First Deputy Chairman at Antimonopoly Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Mr. Fuad Karimov
Director of Professional Support Services LLC, the largest shared services center in Azerbaijan providing financial reporting and taxation services.
Mr. Kairat Karmanov
Deputy Chairman of the Investment Committee of the Ministry of Investments and Development.
Mr. Gaukhar Kassymzhanova
Policy, Government and Public Affairs Manager at Chevron Munaigas Inc., Kazakhstan.
Mr. Ato Kasymov
Co-founder and Team Lead at Zentist, a dental care provider in the U.S. with the mission of bringing transparency and affordability to millions of people.
Mr. Parwiz Kawa
Founding Member and the Editor-in-Chief of Hashte Subh Daily.
Mr. Dadebay Kazakov
Business Development Manager at Individual Enterprise Nurly Tolkun (IE NT), responsible for business strategy, commercial negotiations, and partnerships.
Ms. Tamar Kekenadze
Secretary General and Member of the Board of the Free Democrats Political Party.
Mr. Umit Khairollayev
Chief Executive Officer at the Inculerate located in Sunnyvale, California, which provides opportunities to generate ideas, attract investments and launch startup businesses.
Ms. Raykhona Khashimova
Former Senior Market Access Policy Advisor and former Head of the Commercial Team at the British Embassy in Uzbekistan
Mr. Giorgi Khojevanishvili
Attorney and a majoritarian member of the Parliament of Georgia